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Some intersting dog facts......

bulletWhen obtaining a dog particular attention should be paid to the type of dog with respect to the size of your yard, the amount of exercise the dog will receive and the amount of time available for grooming.
bulletDogs and humans are the only animals with prostates.
bulletThe common belief that dogs are color blind is false. Dogs can see color but it is not as vivid a color scheme as we see. It is much like our vision at twilight.
bulletThere are 701 types of pure breed dogs.
bulletSmartest dogs: 1) border collie; 2) poodle; 3) golden retriever
bulletDumbest dog: afghan
bulletDogs have been in artworks that date back thousands of years. People all over the world love to have dogs as pets.
bulletThe United States and France have the most pet dogs. Almost one in three families in these countries own a dog.
bulletWhat countries have the least amount of pet dogs? Germany and Switzerland only have one dog for every ten families. They need more dogs!
bulletDogs dream. If you look at your dog while it's sleeping, sometimes you'll see its eyes move and twitch under its eyelids. Humans do this too, and we definitely dream. So researchers are almost positive that dogs have dreams too. But guess what? No one knows what dogs dream about.
bulletA dog's sense of smell is about 1000 times better than a person's.
bulletDogs can also hear a lot better than us. They hear high-pitched sounds (like some insects make), that we cannot even detect.
bulletDogs need their good sense of smell and hearing because their eyesight is not as good as a human's.
bulletGerman Shepherds bite humans more than any other breed of dog.
bulletThe bloodhound is the only animal whose evidence is admissible in an American court.
bulletGreyhounds are the most ancient dog breed.
bulletThe "Dingo" is the wild dog of Australia.
bulletBasenji dogs and Australian dingoes are virtually identical.
bulletThe earliest "fossil" finds of dogs date back to 10,000 BC.
bulletBulldogs were originally bred to bait and fight bulls and bears.
bulletA "Bloodhound" can distinguish and identify several scents at the
bulletsame time.
bulletDalmatian puppies are pure white when they're born.
bulletThe pom-pom cut was originally developed to increase the poodle's swimming abilities as a retriever. The haircut allowed for faster swimming but the pom-poms were left to keep the joints warm.
bulletBig dogs have larger litters than smaller dogs, but smaller dogs generally live much longer than larger dogs.
bulletSaint Bernards were trained to rescue lost travelers in the Swiss Alps.
bulletDachshunds were bred to fight badgers in their dens.
bulletBoxers are named for their playful habit of using their front paws in frolic.
bulletNewfoundland dogs have webbed feet, making them strong and agile swimmers.
bulletAncient Chinese royalty carried Pekingese dogs in the sleeves of their royal robes.


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