A Checklist For A Healthy Dog



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Use this checklist as a guide to keep your pet healthy.    Check Yes or No for each question asked.                                                                                                                           


Y   N             Is active and in good sprits

Y   N             Is acting normal

Y   N             Does not tire easily with moderate exercise

Y   N             Does not have fainting episodes

Y   N             Does not have seizures

Y   N             Has a normal appetite

Y   N             Has not gained or lost a lot of weight

Y   N             Does not vomit its food shortly after eating it

Y   N             Has normal bowel movements (firm and                                  formed)

Y   N             Does not drag its bottom or chew under its tail a                                  lot

Y   N             Has no missing hair, mats, or excessive                                  shedding

Y   N             Does not scratch, chew or lick its self excessively

Y   N             Does not have skin that's oily, has flakes, or a                                  bad odor

Y   N             Is free from ticks, lice, fleas, or ear mites

Y   N             Has a body free from lumps or bumps

Y   N             Does not shake its head excessively

Y   N             Has ears free of debris and odor

Y   N             Has clear, bright eyes free of matter

Y   N             Has normal hearing

Y   N             Walks without pain or difficulty

Y   N             Has healthy looking feet and short nails

Y   N             Breathes without straining or difficulty

Y   N             Drinks normal amounts of water with normal                                  frequency

Y   N             Urinates the normal amount, frequency, and                                  color (yellow)

Y   N             Has clean white teeth without tarter or plaque,                                 fresh breath (no offensive odor), and pink gums                                 with no redness     


***  If you have answered no to at least one of these questions         consult your vet.***




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